21 JANUARY 2025
"The Preservation of Syria's Cultural Heritage in Times of Crisis"
Niccolò Cusano University (Rome, Italy)
This lecture, held during the Academic Week celebrating Syrian Culture and organized by the Heritage International Institute (HII), comes at a pivotal moment following the fall of the Assad regime. protection of Syria’s cultural heritage amidst ongoing challenges. It will explore the critical importance of promoting the protection of Syria’s cultural heritage amidst ongoing challenges.
The discussion will highlight the vital link between safeguarding cultural heritage and defending the rights of children affected by armed conflict, particularly in light of the recent socio-political transformations in the region.
The event features a distinguished panel of experts in cultural heritage, human rights, and international law, fostering an interdisciplinary discussion about the responsibilities and actions required to protect vulnerable communities and their cultural legacies during Syria's rebuilding phase.
This lecture is organized by and will take place at the Niccolò Cusano University, a member of the Universities Network for Children in Armed Conflict (UNECHAC) and an active participant in projects conducted by UNETCHAC and HII in Iraq and Syria.
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The establishment of the YouthNet International Children Mediators for Long-lasting Peace and Security in the dimension of the IV National Action Plan "Women, Peace and Security"
Circolo degli Esteri (Rome, Italy)
This conference, organized by the Universities Network for Children in Armed Conflict (UNETCHAC) in collaboration with the Institute of Political Studies "S. Pio V", and supported by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, seeks to amplify the role of children and young people, in particular girls, through greater awareness of the value of training on mediation and the promotion of their effective involvement in peace processes. It aims to disseminate the results of the project on the establishment of the YouthNet International Children Mediators for Long-lasting Peace and Security. This project seeks to foster a global network of child mediators from diverse backgrounds, strengthening their role in peacebuilding and conflict resolution.
The presentation of the Universities Network for Children in Armed Conflict Award 2024 and the UNETCHAC Scholarships 2024 will conclude the event.
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29 NOVEMBER 2024
"Giving voice to Girls and Boys for lasting peace and security. The establishment of the YouthNet Mediators for lasting peace and security"
University of Pristina (Kosovo)
This conference, organized by the Universities Network for Children in Armed Conflict, in collaboration with San Pio V University and the University of Pristina, and supported by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAECI), seeks to amplify the role of children as mediators in conflict and post-conflict settings. It will provide a platform for presenting insights from a groundbreaking project aimed at establishing an international Network of young mediators. This project seeks to foster a global network of child mediators from diverse backgrounds, strengthening their role in peacebuilding and conflict resolution.
The conference follows an intensive course and legal clinics organized by the Universities Network, involving young participants from countries affected by conflict, including Kosovo, Iraq, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Lebanon, South Africa, Slovenia, the USA, and Brazil. This initiative showcases a commitment to nurturing the skills of young people from various regions to become proactive peacebuilders in their communities and beyond.
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12 NOVEMBER 2023
"The role of mediation in international conflicts. Legal perspectives in the current global scenario"
University of Genova
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23 OCTOBER 2024
Side event on “Enhancing the international protection of children, particularly girl children, affected by armed conflict”
United Nations headquarters (New York)
The side event, co-organized together with the Permanent Mission of Italy to the UN – New York, focused on the enhancement of the protection of children, in particular girl children, in conflict situations. This significant event will bring together institutional representatives, representatives from international organizations, and scholars from academia. Through collaborative discussions and knowledge sharing, the event aims to analyse the fundamental aspects of justice and reintegration and to identify effective strategies and best practices to safeguard the rights and well-being of these particularly vulnerable children.
17 JUNE 2024
“The Protection of Children in Armed Conflict. The Commitment of the Academic Community”
Press Room of Montecitorio (Italian Parliament, Rome)
During the conference, in which national and international institutional and academic representatives took part as speakers, the UNETCHAC 2023 Report “Children Affected by Armed Conflict: a Comprehensive Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis in Selected Countries in Africa, Asia, Europe, and South America”, edited by UNETCHAC’s SG Laura Guercio and Paolina Massidda, was presented. This Report represents the final outcome of research activities conducted within the project “The National Action Plans on UNSCR1325 and the impact of armed conflicts on boys and girls: a study and analysis of the International Universities Network” supported by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
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27 MAY 2024
“Protecting minors in situations of armed conflict. The commitment of the academic world”
Press Room of Montecitorio (Italian Parliament, Rome)
During the conference, in which representatives of the Network, institutional representatives, professors and experts took part as speakers, the publication "Exploring national action plans on UN Security Council resolution 1325. A child-centered perspective” was also presented. This book is the result of research activities conducted by UNETCHAC within the project “The National Action Plans on UNSCR1325 and the impact of armed conflicts on boys and girls: a study and analysis of the International Universities Network” supported by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
22 APRIL 2024
“The Contribution of Sport to the Promotion of Development And Peace”
This conference will be organized by the Universities Network for Children in Armed Conflict (UNETCHAC) and the University of Rome “Foro Italico” in line with what the United Nations called for in the resolution that established the International Day of Sports for Development and Peace (IDSDP).
This event, which will take place in Rome at the headquarters of the University of Rome “Foro Italico”, member of UNETCHAC, aims to spread, particularly among young people, knowledge and awareness about the importance of sports as a powerful tool in promoting development, strengthening bridges of dialogue and fostering mutual understanding, and thus contributing to the building of a more harmonious, peaceful and supportive world. It will also be an opportunity for the Universities Network to present some research proposals on this relevant topic.
23 JANUARY 2024
The Protection of Children in Armed Conflict: a Multinational Strategy to Protect Children from Armed Conflict
European Parliament, Bruxelles
This conference, co-organised by the Universities Network for Children in Armed Conflict (UNETCHAC) and the European Parliament Intergroup on Children's Rights, aimed to highlight the importance of a joint multi-level commitment in finding solutions to strengthen the protection of children affected by armed conflict around the world.
Representatives from the European Union, United Nations and International Criminal Court together with Representatives of the Academic Community took part in this initiative to identify together common and interconnected lines of action to protect and prevent the violation of children’s rights.
The participation in the event of students and young researchers, some of whom coming from areas of conflict, bore witness to the importance of integrating young people in policymaking and in the public debate.
During this event, UNETCHAC presented its project activities together with the contents of the report “The European Guidelines and the International Humanitarian Law. Implementing the EU Guidelines on Promoting Compliance with International Humanitarian Law in relation to children in armed conflict”, result of a study conducted by a group of experts of the Network, proposing recommendations on how the existing Guidelines could be completed in order to enhance the European Union’s action with respect to children in armed conflict.
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11 DECEMBER -2023
United Nations Headquarters, NY – United Nations Plaza, Room CR-9 UNHQ
Co-organized by the Permanent Mission of the Democratic Republic of Congo to the UN, the Permanent Mission of Italy to UN, the Universities Network for Children in Armed Conflict, the Fondation Congolaise pour la Promotion des Droits humains et la Paix and the Institute of Political Studies “S. Pio V”
within the project “National Action Plans on United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 and the impact of armed conflicts on children: study and analysis of the International Universities Network”, supported by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
10 NOVEMBER 2023
"The Impact of Armed Conflict on Children, Boys and Girls.
Research and Study on the Legal and Social Aspects"
New Hall of the Parliamentary Groups (Italian House of Representatives)
10:30 a.m (CET) and in virtual modality.
The event will be the occasion to present the results of the Project, carried out by #UNETCHAC, in collaboration with the Istituto di studi politici “S. Pio V”, supported by Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale with the participation of Representatives of the Italian and International Institutions, #UNETCHAC worldwide professors and researchers, NGOs representatives and the involvement of Italian students.
The UNETCHAC International Award 2023 and the UNETCHAC scholarships 2023 delivery will conclude the Conference
"The National Action Plans on UNSCR 1325 and the impact of armed conflicts on children"
Universidad Santiago de Cali, COLOMBIA
9.00 am (GMT -5)
Organized by UNETCHAC and the Institute of Political Studies "S. Pio V", supported by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
Link to the meeting:
Watch the full conference HERE
18 OCTOBER 2023
"The National Action Plans on UNSCR 1325 and the impact of armed conflicts on children"
10.00 am – 5.30 pm (GMT+3)
Organized by UNETCHAC and the Institute of Political Studies "S. Pio V", supported by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
With the participation, of illustrious Speakers, among them:
- Mr. Jonas Yawovi Dzinekou, Director of Social Studies at the Institute of Social Transformation-Tangaza University;
- H.E. Roberto Natali, Italian Ambassador to Kenya;
- H.E. Muhindo Nzangi, Ministre de l'Enseignement Supérieur et Universitaire, RDC.
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"The National Action Plans on UNSCR 1325 and the impact of armed conflicts on children"
9.00 am – 5.30 pm at the University of PRISHTINA and in virtual modality
Organized by UNETCHAC and the Institute of Political Studies "S.Pio V", supported by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
With the participation, of illustrious Speakers, among them:
H.E. Antonello De Riu, Italian Ambassador to Kosovo; Mrs. Selvete Gerxhaliu Krasniqi, Judge of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Kosovo;
Mr. Baki Svirca, Head of Transitional Justice Division at the Justice Ministry - Kosovo;
Mrs. Adelheid Obwaller, Chief Gender Advisor - KFOR;
Ms. Elisabeth Schleicher, Deputy Gender Advisor - KFOR.
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Watch the full conference HERE
Photogallery of the event HERE
24 JULY 2023
"The National Action Plans on UNSCR 1325 and the impact of armed conflicts on children"
- 9.00 am – 5.30 pm UTC +5:30 at the Hotel Taj Samudra, Colombo - SRI LANKA
Organized by UNETCHAC and the Institute of Political Studies “S. Pio V” , supported by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.
With the participation of illustrious Speakers, among them:
H.E. Nicolò Tassoni Estense di Castelvecchio, Italian Ambassador to Myanmar;
Mr. Francesco Perale, Deputy Head of Mission of the Italian Embassy to Sri Lanka;
Mr. Mattia Ventura, Deputy Head of Mission of the Italian Embassy to Bangladesh.
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Watch the full conference HERE
Photogallery of the event HERE
11-12 MAY 2023
"Responsibilities to protect in theory and practice"
UNETCHAC was pleased to attend a very interesting Conference organized by the University of Ljubljana, (Faculty of Law), on May 11 and 12.
The event saw the participation of Representatives of the Network and, in this occasion, the adhesion of the Faculty of Law of the University of Ljubljana to the Network's Statute was officially signed.
25 MARCH 2023
XVII National Conference of the Italian Red Cross trainers
UNETCHAC was delighted to attend the panel 'The protection of infancy in armed conflict' that represented a significant occasion to build dialogue among all actors involved in protecting children in armed conflict, the representatives of the Academic Community, the Italian Red Cross, the diplomatic world and military forces.
“The commitment of the International Community for the Protection of Children in Armed Conflict”
The Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict, Ms. Virginia Gamba, at the Italian Chamber of Deputies with representatives of the Italian Parliament, professors, students and representatives of the civil society.
UNETCHAC organized this event held in Rome (Italy) at the Sala Refettorio (Chamber of Deputies of the Italian Parliament).
The lectio magistralis given by the Special Representative Gamba opened the debate paving the way for international multilateral action that translates proposals in concrete actions for an effective juridical protection of minors affected by armed conflict.
On this occasion, the second Edition of the UNETCHAC INTERNATIONAL AWARD 2022 took place awarding three personalities who have distinguished themselves in their dedication to protecting vulnerable children in different fields:
Paolina Massidda, Principal Counsel at the Independent Office of Public Counsel for Victims (OPVC) of the International Criminal Court (ICC);
Nicolò Govoni, President and Executive Director of the NGOs “Still I Rise”;
Comitato Olimpico Nazionale Italiano (CONI) represented by the Vice President Silvia Salis.
(Rome _ Chamber of Deputies of the Italian Parliament & virtually)
"The mandate of the United Nations Special Representative of the Secretary General for Children in Armed Conflict and the Plight of Children in Armed Conflicts".
A Conversation with Mrs. Virginia Gamba de Potgieter
Organized by UNETCHAC together with the John Cabot University and the Institute of Political Studies "S. Pio V", this conference saw the intervention as main speaker of Ms. Virginia Gamba, Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict and many other Representatives from the Academic Community.
(John Cabot University of Rome_Italy & virtually)
"Children in Armed Conflict: How can they be protected in a multilevel international framework?"
Organized by the UNETCHAC and the UNESCO Chair in Human Rights at the University of Luxembourg in collaboration with L.A.W. International and the Institute of Political Studies "S. Pio V" and under the patronage of the Italian Embassy in Luxembourg.
The two-day conference, which took place in Luxembourg, had a hybrid format and saw the participation of eminent representatives of national and international Institutions, regional and international organizations, civil society and the academic community. Special Guest Speaker of the inaugural session, HRH the Grand Duchess Maria Teresa of Luxembourg, UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador and UNICEF Eminent Advocate for Children.
Full programme:
During the inaugural session of the Conference, the video realized by the Italian choir of students "Il Coro che non c'è" (Nowhere Choir) and dedicated to the pivotal role of young people in the peacebuilding process was shown.
(University of Luxembourg & virtually)
“Heritage in war and peace. Spaces of conflict, spaces of justice: between natural, landscapes, and city scapes"
The UNETCHAC together with the McGill University has organized the round table “Children in Armed Conflict and their right to Cultural Heritage”.
(Online Event)
"Networking for a brighter future! Women and girls in the Sub-Saharan Africa: Transforming Education for a Sustainable Future"
UNETCHAC organized a event at at the City Hall of Rome the Campidoglio (Italy) launching the photo exhibition by Mohamed Keita dedicated to young women and minors victims of armed conflict with the participation as speakers of representatives of institutions, the academic community and civil society organizations.
(City Hall the Campidoglio _ Rome_Italy)
"We do not want to be forgotten"
Event organized in collaboration with Coordinamento Italiano Sostegno Donne Afghane Onlus (CISDA) and the Afghan community in Italy for analyzing the living conditions of Afghan women and girls, with the participation of representatives of institutions, academics, journalists and writers.
(San Paolo Christian Community_ Rome_Italy).