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The Network provided comments on the revision of the ICC OTP Policy on Children

22 June 2023
In March 2023, the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) launched a call for public submissions for the renew of the 2016 Office of the Prosecutor (OTP) Policy on Children.
In launching the process the OTP indicated the intention to develop new and innovative approaches so as to make children more visible in all of its work, and further improve effectiveness in the investigation and prosecution of crimes against or affecting children.
The Universities Network involved in the reflection a number of professor and practitioners with experience in matters related to the involvement of children in armed conflict both at the national and international level and in May 2023 submitted a report with recommendations on how to improve the current OTP Policy on Children.
The Network advocated for the full acknowledgment of all crimes under the ICC jurisdiction potentially affecting children and for a broad interpretation of the current regulatory framework to cover all types of conduct which may affect children. The Network also underlined that it is essential to ensure that children are not rendered invisible by adult-centric approaches to accountability; that they are not seen as a homogenous group and that they are involved in accountability processes in a way which captures the full breadth of their experiences and victimization. Furthermore, the concept of a child-centred and child-friendly process during investigations and prosecutions should be reinforced. Indeed, accountability for crimes against and affecting children is crucial to ensure the closure of the gap between reality and impunity and guarantee the possibility for children affected by international crimes to have reparations for the harm suffered.

The Full report can be read HERE



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